Information on Project TRS-4U2
Project TRS-4U2 will be a BASIC
2 Stamp based robot with a trash can body. The idea was derived from
a trip to Magic Kingdom. As me and a friend were leaving the park, we encountered
a trash can. Not just any trash can, it moved! When we got back we later
started work on the US FIRST competition.
Later the programming teacher thought of starting a class and building
a robot, and as it would happen, I said a trashbot(after I said remote
gatling gun). And now here we are.
Project TRS-4U2 is based on a trash can that is a little over 2ft
in height and 1ft in diameter. It will (hopefully) have IR Proximity detection,
Line Following ability, Light-sensing ability, and maybe some more inputs
if I have enought I/Os left. The main drive system comes from a dual motor
robot that I bought second hand. It has quite a bit of torque but also
seems to have rather large power needs. I'm hoping to either purchase or
build a speed controller to handle these motors.
Hopeful specifications
Height - 2' and 27 1/2"
Diameter - 1'
Weight - Unknown at this time
Metalic gray dome trash can with rotating door
Diferental Drive with gear boxes(from a Terapin Turtle)
6 inch lawnmower wheels with custom couplers(very crappy)
3 levels of clear plastic cut into round shapes(or was round)
8 5/16" threaded rods with 40 nuts
PBASIC Compatible Homebrew Stamp 2
BASIC Stamp 2 clone
HVWTech L298 based H-bridge kit
74CH04 or 74CHT04 based IR detection unit or PIC based IR detection unit
Light tracking unit with 2 Cds cells
Line tracking unit with 3 Cds cells and 3 LEDs
PWM motor control
Dinsmore electronic compass
Advanced motion detection using Passive IR
Possible future plans
Either a Motorola based CPU or Dual Stamps
Joystick or Radio Tx/Rx control interface
Sonar or Ultrasonic ranging and/or detection
Shaft Encoders
Sound tracking
Teleoperation, or just a camera to see where the thing gets stuck
LCD display (Don't really need it, but it would be neat!)
Don't really know about sound, but maybe
Some form of communication with other robots
Edge detection, this one is the easiest! Most likely gonna be in the smaller
I hope bump switches won't be needed
More function to its dome head